What Is Paint Correction?
Whether your vehicle is New or used, the Paint correction process can be performed after hand washing the entire exterior of the vehicle. Following up in the removal of break dust decontamination (ie. little rust specs) on your paint and clay barring to a silky SMOOTH surface that is ready for the next phase in the paint correction process. Once all these steps have been achieved the paint correction can begin, by applying compound to a buffing pad that’s attached to a orbital machine that is used strategically to aid in the removal of defects on your vehicles paint such as scratches, bug edging, oxidization or water spots that inevitably occur during ownership.
What Are The Benefits Of Paint Correction ?
Paint correction is beneficial in rejuvenating the appearance of your vehicles paint to a HIGH GLOSS finish and clear of any defects and imperfections enhancing the appearance and the longevity of your investment.
Does Paint Correction Add Value To Your Investment ?
To simply answer that question purchasing a vehicle is more than likely the second BIGGEST INVESTMENT you’ll make other than purchasing estate. As it loses its value over time being unprotected and neglected. With that being said, paint correction is a great way to not only remove defects such as scratches that will richen the depth of the color, increasing its value having the paint being in perfect condition. Most vehicles are considered to be depreciative assets especially if not maintained properly. Paint correction will add BIG value back into your investment, amplifying your chances of making more MONEY on a trade in, private sell or long term ownership.